Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I haven't always been an only child.

There is a song that I love. It's called, "If I Could Forget to Breathe" by a little known artist called John Gorka. Here are the lyrics:

If I could forget to breathe
Forget to breathe entirely
It's happened down through history

And surely I could lose my head
Some night I could drink too much
And take it off and just forget

And I will learn all languages
I will speak in every tongue
From highnesses to savages
And to all beneath the sun

Someday I will paint the sky
I will build a ladder, make a roller
That could reach that high

And nothing that I do will pass
Everything I will and make and feel
And dream and know will last

I will rid the world of sorrow
Stop all wars and pain
I will tell you of tomorrow
As I rule the wind and rain

I can do it all it's true
But only when I've done all that
Oh will I turn away from you
Only when I've done all that
Oh will I turn away from you

There is something that is lost in just reading the lyrics. The melody is haunting and touching. Have you ever really looked at the words of a song and it doesn't mean half of what you thought it did? Yeah. All of my favorites I've decided are related more to the melody and music rather than the words. This is one case. 

When I was younger, say around ages 9-12, my dad played this album a lot. When I think about certain events in my life, this is "Meg's Theme" on that soundtrack. When I'm feeling melancholy, this is my go to song. When I'm "in the depths of despair" ala Anne of Green Gables, this is my song. 

This time of year always makes me pensive especially right now. I've not always been an only child. The time is coming close when I went from being an older sibling to being the only child again. I'll tell that story soon. It's on my mind a lot these last few months.


  1. I love you and am here for you Meg. x

  2. Aw! Thanks Na! I've been thinking of you lately too. When I think of my loss, I think of others who have lost people too.
