Monday, March 29, 2010

Is 30 Middle-Aged?

So Matt and I were at the Michael Bublé concert this weekend and realized something...we may just be middle aged.

A few summers ago we went to a John Mayer concert. It was amazing. HOWEVER, we were surrounded by teenyboppers saying, "OMG. John is SOOOO HOOOTTTT!" The other night, it was, "Michael Bublé is so darling!" Aside from a few girls in their 20's, most of the crowd was 40+. We could tell because instead of jumping up immediately, the whole crowd stayed seated in a civilized manner. It was bliss. And then I felt old. When you add the fact that my joints are aching from my Celiac disease, I feel like an arthritic 30 year old. and yes, Michael Bublé was just darling. I wanted to pinch his cheeks. ;)

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