Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Room with a window seat

When I was a little girl, I always wanted a room that had one of those half-circle turret thingys. It would have a window seat that lifted up to show rows upon rows of hidden books. The seat would have a soft cusion (that is always pink in my mind for whatever reason) and perfect with a round window at just the right height so I could peek out and look at the people and trees as I read.

I never got that window seat. Or any window seat for that matter. But I still want one. There was a book I read as a kid called, "Betsy, Tacy, and Tibs." Tibs or Betsy (I can't remember now, it might have been Betsy) had a window seat and she would read for hours on that seat. She also wrote little stories that she kept in a tin under the seat and hoped to get published someday. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to write stories. There were a whole series of books on Betsy, Tacy, and Tibs. Their names always confused me though. Who would name their daughter Tacy? Tibs was short for something but surely there was a cuter nickname!


  1. I feel this way about an attic bedroom. Possibly from reading A Wrinkle in Time.

    If we ever move to a house with an attic bedroom, it's my office. Because I want it ALL to myself. LOL

  2. Well, and you had that little side attic in your parents house. That was always cool to me.
