Thursday, June 10, 2010

A little over here... a little over there...

As I created my first and only Twitter account (only because it kinda creeps me out and I'm not sure I'll keep it) I got sucked into immediately personalizing it. I spent my lunch break yesterday picking out a background pattern, couldn't find one, and then proceeded to do the same thing today.

As I looked at the patterns and colors I thought, "Is this what shows ME?" Who cares! It's Twitter. Here's the thing that struck me though: We are putting our "selves" out there on Facebook, on Twitter, on art pages, on blogs, on just about anything really. We then try to personalize it so we stick out from the masses. People put decals on their cars, skins on their laptops, photos on their blogs, all to show who we are or what we do. It's a little crazy. We have shared our "selves" with who knows how many people all in an attempt to say, "Hey! Hey! Look at me!" or whatever your purpose is (I admit I get a bit of the "Hey!" syndrome from time to time. I have a blog after all.) How much is too much though? Can it be too much? Where does the real you reside? Is it on Facebook or Twitter? I can't answer that for you but for me, I'm really starting to give it some thought. I'm also thinking about how much is too much and who sees what and where.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you.

    What scares me the most is the fact that the generations behind us may not stop and think about this. It's normal to be everywhere with everyone all the time.

    It doesn't feel like real life anymore.
