Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramblings of my former self

I went to save a document I started writing tonight and as I selected the save spot, I saw a number of folders and documents long forgotten. Books I had started to write ranging from short stories and poems, to kids books and novels. I found poems and prayers that showed God's faithfulness and encouraged me year's later. I also found old journal entries full of ramblings of a girl in her early twenties trying to figure out "life."

Wow. I'm glad I found these. It's really funny to see how strongly I felt or craved something. How anguished I was over a lost relationship that I laugh to think about now. Early entries wondering if my now husband was, "THE ONE" (he was/is, don't worry).

I used to keep a journal religiously in high school and college. I know exactly where they are right now too. They are in the guest room on the highest shelf above my wedding dress. (If anyone is curious, they have a secret alarm that will instantly trap you in a cage so consider yourself warned.) Part of me wants to read them like a novel and feel emotions of the 13 year-old Meghan up to just after living in Wales as a 25 year-old. What a life story! Oh the trials of a 16 year-old Meg frustrated by her first boyfriend. (the shame!) If I get the courage I may post one if only to make everyone laugh at me.

Sure I missed gaps here and there but it's pretty well documented. I remember journaling just before going to college my freshman year and trying to journal with my left arm since my right was broken. That's how dedicated I was to journaling. I've lost part of that. I need to go back. If only to laugh at my thoughts and assumptions about life, love and the pursuit of happiness (or boys, you pick).


  1. I was dedicated that way also, up until my pregnancy with Asa. Man, it is crazy to look back.

    I swear, I have so many, I will never re-read all of them. It's kind of embarrassing to read back that far. haha.

    I am planning eventually to shred them and do some art-work with them. I just haven't gotten up the guts yet.

  2. I have a few journals I flip through from time to time! I've gone through a few that I've thrown away too..some parts of life I'd rather forget but there are a few journals worth of time that are fun and goofy to read:) I'm still a kid, but its kinda funny to look back and see how dramatic or ridiculous I was as an even younger kid... at 22 I feel like I've been through to much in life but I still have a kick in my step:):)
