Friday, July 6, 2012

Mommyhood Intervenes

Somewhere in the span of a year and some odd months, I've slacked off. I originally slacked off on writing because I was pregnant. Then, said baby came and obviously, I've had no time. Plus, it's a blog. Who even reads this thing? I've toyed with shutting it down but I just couldn't. I'm not sure why. I'm certainly not going to be one of the people who makes a blog their living. I'm not going to be like The Bloggess or Gluten-Free Girl (even though it would be fun!).

So babies. Yep. There they are. I have to say that when I thought of being pregnant and becoming a mother, I didn't give much thought to the baby phase. It's an obvious stage yet for some reason, I never thought about it. NEVER. When I thought of having a child, I would smile at the thought of a little me/little hubby all in one. I would laugh at the funny things I thought they would do or say. I always thought of a 3-4 year old. Never older, never younger. The funny thing is, they are younger and then older. They are only 3-4 for oh say, a year. But I thought about that version every time.

When my husband and I found out I was preggers, that's when it hit. "Holy cow! What do I do with a baby!?" I was more nervous and scared than excited. Nine preggo months + nearly 10 baby months later and I'm thrilled to say that I LOVE this baby phase. I've found myself realizing she's nearly a year and her little clothes are getting littler by the day. Also, I was never one of those people who would scream, "OH! A BABY!" everytime I saw one. I'm not one of those "baby people". I'm still not really. I've discovered I'm a "my baby" kind of person.

So we had a baby girl. We called her Georgia Mary Anne and she is perfect. She's teething like a carnivore (seriously. Kid is going to eat steak at her first birthday!), trying to walk, and enjoys scooting on her bum instead of crawling. She is the light in my life (along with her father of course).

I always thought I'd be a "career girl" who would love going back to work after maternity leave. If I'm honest, no matter how much I love my job, I would kill to stay home and be with her all of the time. We take her to a good daycare but there are days where I'll just flip though every photo (all 1,143 of them. I'm not kidding.) and just smile at her full-of-teeth grin then die a little inside because I can't spend my whole day with her. Such is the life of the modern mom.

When I was a little girl, my dad used to sing and dance with me to this song. We also danced to it at my wedding nearly five years ago. It's one of my favorite "fix anything" songs. The song starts around the 1:12 mark. Such a classic.

I'll try to be better at this if only for my own sanity. There's a lot of things I've "learned" about being a mom/wife/parent/co-worker. There's also a lot left to learn as well though. Like how to get Georgia to fall asleep on her own...

Georgia Mary Anne, 9 months some odd weeks old.

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