Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby Sleep...That about sums it up.

So sleep is not as necessary for me as I previously thought.

I've become an expert at sleep...or not sleeping.

How many books can one person read on sleep and not actually get it? I may have read them all.

Is there a magic solution, formula, process that allows for helping a baby sleep through the night?

So, Georgia isn't exactly a "sleeper." We walked into daycare the other day to pick her up, and there was a little girl, about 5 months, who had fallen asleep while playing. WHILE PLAYING! She didn't have to be walked or rocked or nursed. She just thought, "Hmmm...I'm tired." and ZONK. She's out. In fact, Georgia was trying to "play" with her hair while she slept. Why? Because she simply passed out in a pile of toys. On. The. Floor. I've seen pictures like that of other kids but I cannot imagine that as a possibility. Georgia is so not that child. (Oh, and by the way, the caregiver wasn't just leaving her there. The girl had just fallen asleep as we walked in and she was trying to detangle from another child to pick her up.)

I've read TONS of books, talked to quite a few moms and dads, and asked loads of questions about baby sleep. I'm following several books' directions verbatim. Georgia sleeps, and falls asleep quickly on her own, but at 10 months, she still hasn't slept through an entire night. Just that phrase, "the entire night" is debatable. According to some people and books, that means 8 hours. She's done that. She does that every night. From 7pm - 7am though she has not done. Some books say she's going to bed too soon. Some say she's going to bed too late. Some say she's going to bed just right. (wait, that might be Goldilocks.) Either way, she's not sleeping through the night in my book.

Depending on who you talk to, some babies just need to "cry it out". We tried that, she threw up. I'm not doing that again. Other people are just blessed, truly blessed, with children that naturally sleep through the night (for example see the girl who fell asleep while playing). I was a horrible baby. I hear horror stories about me as a baby: I had colic, I cried, I wouldn't sleep, I was bossy...(I have a bit of a complex about this if you can't tell.)

Please don't take me wrong. I LOVE being a mom to Georgia. Her little toothy grin, funny expressions, and hilarious movements are seriously the best moments of the day. The thing is, people say how amazing being a parent is and it's totally true but they never say what really really really hard work it is. It's almost like people want to seem like they have this parenting thing down and there are no problems because their kids are perfect. Georgia is perfect but you know what, while she's working on teeth numbers 9-12 and is trying to walk, she can't sleep through the night yet. After all is said and done though, I guess I'll take that extra time with her in my arms. I'm guessing I'm going to miss that as soon as she is really mobile...

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