Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mad Skillz

Okay I'm a slacker. Or rather, I've become one. I need to get back on this blogging soapbox. I've been to lazy to even say how I feel or what I remember. Oh well.

There's a quality I've discovered about myself that I'm sad to say I have grown to like. It's a skill that a "creative" person like me should not like. A skill that is really helpful but totally left brained. In fact, it verges really close to accounting and math (who am I kidding? It is math at least.). If you know me, those two things are nothing like me. In fact, the word math gives me hives. I've developed... mad Excell skillz. Now, you'll notice that skillz has a "z" because although I can do some fancy cell and spreadsheet footwork, my college statistics prof would still give me the abysmal grade he felt I deserved back in the day. And he'd be right. And yes, I did take statistics. And no, I did not do it of my own free will. Just like I didn't take Business Law of my own free will...but I digress.

This realization that I actually like getting stuck in a spreadsheet hit me a little while ago but I didn't want to own up to it until tonight. My husband MattyG and I were pouring over our finances. I had exported our bank statement as a csv file and was reorganizing and calculating like a wiz. I pulled out the random costs (does a vet really have to pay that much?), added up the meals we ate out (WAY too many), and tallied the regular expenses (XM is how much?!). I actually enjoyed it! Never mind the fact that the budget had a good result. I've also gotten like that in work. I used to get stuck in InDesign or Illustrator all day and months would go by without opening a Office program other than Entourage. No more my friend, no more. Now, a few days will go by before I open the beloved Adobe programs. It's a dark day. A dark day indeed. Now, where's that calendar? I need to get it color coded. (Sadly, I'm not kidding.)


  1. I am the happy recipient of most of Meg's spreadsheets. They are so massive they do not fit my big screen, are color coded and are actually purposeful enough that it should not be considered an obsession for which medication should be prescribed.

    They are so powerful that President Obama could use one to control the economy and the Republicans could control Obama, Cats could control dogs and vice versa...but Meghan would still control them all.

  2. HA HA HA! I so wish I knew who you were. Thanks! Oh if only I could control the government...if only.
