Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have you seen me? Missing: July to August

Maybe it's me and maybe it's just an "age" thing but I think I'm going crazy. I remember May. I remember June. I do not, however, remember July. I think I remember the beginning (something about an appendix followed by a trip to NYC and Dallas a week later). I just don't remember the middle to the end bit. That's the bit I'd like to remember. Maybe it's good I don't? Can someone tell me if it was okay? I'm guessing since I can't remember nothing monumental happened and the world is okay.

What I'd like to know is how does time go so fast? Last thing I knew, I was laying on the couch nursing a sore tummy from surgery and now, I'm in Dallas again (wasn't I JUST here?!) wondering how in the world it got to be August 19th. Not just any day. It's the flippin' end of the month almost. The end! What happened to the beginning? When I was in school, the summer seemed to fly by and the school year dragged on. They usually seemed adequate though in terms of time. Not like the lightening fast days of today (wow I sound old). Next thing you know I'll be saying how gas was only $1.12 when I was in high school and movies were only $5. Too late. It's been said.

On another note, today is my brother Andrew's 26th birthday. If you look back in my older posts (just before May 1, 2010), you'll see the story of my brother's passing and how he's no longer here. Age 7 to 26, he's been in heaven longer than he was here but he'll still be the same 7 year old twit I've always loved. Miss you Sharkboy! (At age 5 or 6, Andrew decided that he wanted to change his name. I think it's got a nice ring to it!)

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